Berlin Teufelsberg Former Radio Listening Station Tour with Original Berlin Tours

This tour takes the visitor to the strange world of the abandoned field station used during the Cold War by the American military to listen to East German, Warsaw Pact & Soviet radio communications.
While the work done at the radio listening station, any associated documents, information and research remains classified, the tour can describe the role which Teufelsberg may have played during the Cold War, and what the staff working there would likely have been doing.
The "Devil's Mountain" was built from the rubble of Berlin following the second world war. Following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the listening station fell into disuse and started to decay and became covered in graffiti.
Tourism may bring the place back to life, together with ideas for community projects and resources. Some of the street art/graffiti is amazing. This may turn out to be quite a dynamic place to visit!
Teufelsberg is located at the western city limits of Berlin in Grunewald. Click the map pin icon to view the location on a map.
The Teufelsberg Field Station is located on private land, and access is by-permission or by official tours only.
Original Berlin Tours will commence this tour in March 2016.